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CruiseControl Build Results JSP Customization

Build parameters

Three configuration settings are specified when building the reporting applications. See the Building section of the Installation Guide

System properties

The binary release uses System properties to pass the value of commandline arguments from the main CruiseControl process to the Reporting application.

Name for this CruiseControl instance
The binaryrelease sets this to the -ccname value given as a commandline argument
port where the CruiseControl JMX agent's HTTP adaptor is listening.
Default value is 8000. The binaryrelease sets this to the -jmxport value given as a commandline argument (by default 8000)
host where the CruiseControl JMX agent's HTTP adaptor is listening
If not specified CruiseControl will trying to guess the host name running the reporting application
port where CruiseControl JMX agent's RMI adaptor is listening. If specified enables the experimental configuration editor.
The binaryrelease sets this to the -rmiport value given as a commandline argument

Deployment descriptor (web.xml)

The JSP reporting application uses context parameters and servlet init parameters configuration and customization. These parameters can be edited in the web.xml file directly. Some Web Containers like Tomcat allow the default values to be override without changing the web.xml or the war file.

Context parameters

Full path to a directory where caches of XSL transformations are written. The web context must have permission to write to this directory. If not specified, caches will be written in a subdir called _cache of the logDir
The binaryrelease does not specify this parameter
This should be the full path to your CruiseControl log directory. If you are in single project mode, this will contain only the logs for your project. If you are in multi-project mode, it is expected that you will have multiple sub-directories inside this log directory, one for each project.
The default default value is the build parameter user.log.dir. The binary release sets this to logs
Indicates if the CruiseControl instance is to report on only one project. If it is, then you should set this to true.
The default value is false
This should be the name to your current build status file as generated by the currentbuildstatuslistener, which is located to the projects log directory.
The default default value is the build parameter The binary release sets this to status.txt
The list of space separated index files that should be automatically displayed when browsing a directory displayed by the file servlet. The order matters. Let empty or comment out to disable indexes.
The default values are: index.htm index.html
The host for the JMX HttpAdaptor to which CruiseControl will connect for forcing builds and viewing the control panel. The parameter may be overridden using the system property with the same name.
The default value is: localhost
The port for the JMX HttpAdaptor to which CruiseControl will connect for forcing builds and viewing the control panel. The parameter may be overridden using the system property with the same name.
The default value is: 8000
any context parameter that starts with xslt. will be pass to the XSL stylesheets as a XSLT parameter without the xslt. prefix. See XSLT parameters

Servlet init-param

Beside the context parameters the ArtifactServlet takes an init parameter

The absolute path to the directory where additional build artifacts are stored. If this is not specified the logDir context parameter will be used
The default default value is the build parameter The binary release sets this to artifacts

XSLT parameters

Some of the XSL stylesheets can be configured using XSLT parameters. These parameters are configured as context parameters with a xslt. prefix, that is XSLT Parameter viewcvs.url is configured a context parameter xslt.viewcvs.url

PMD violations with a priority below this threshold are considered warnings and are only reported by the total count on the build results page.
This is not specified by default
The URL of the ViewCVS website used by cvstagdiff.xsl, checkstyle-details.xsl and pmd-details.xsl
This is not specified by default
Controls whether the ViewCVS differences report should be shown when the build was successful. The default is to only show the modifications report for broken builds
Controls whether only CheckStyle errors or all CheckStyle errors and warnings should be listed on the build results page. Set to 'true' for hiding the warnings. The default is to list all errors and warnings.
This is not specified by default